Dec 31, 2011

2011: Year In Review

2011, you weren't half bad.

January: Celebrated my blogaversary, saw my twin!
March: Got my license, went to HHI for SB2K11 (yes, it will always be known as that), got cut from varsity and captained on JV, had arguably the best day of my life the day I was accepted for CIT at camp and wrote a super boring and long paper on Wuthering Heights
June: Finished my Sophomore Year, packed, and left for CAMP!
July: Came home, missed camp, went vegan
August: Went to DC, CHINA, NYC, bought goodies from the Lilly sale and survived the Great Earthquake, and started my Junior Year!
September: Learned Junior Year was serious business.
November: Went to WV for Thanksgiving.
December: Turned seventeen and finished my first semester of Junior year.

What I learned in 2011:
No one really cares if you're happy or sad, so you might as well be happy, that getting 18 hours of sleep the week before your AP exam isn't the best idea, make the days count, don't just count the days, remember who you are and what you want in life, keep your head and heels high, but most importantly, your standards the heighest, don't do something just to do it, the past is just a memory and has no power over you unless you make it so, you're going to fall down a lot more times, so keep the band-aids and neosporin handy, you have to go down before you go up and it's going to get a whole heck of a lot worse before it slowly, very very slowly gets better, if it's too good to be true, it probably is, he's just not worth the heartache, one day it's all going to work out, follow your heart, but don't forget to take your head with you, meditation is key, quit getting worked up over people and things that are irrelevant to your life, birds peck at the very best fruit so haters gonna hate, good things truly do come to those who wait, patience is key key key key key, that one test that doesn't matter turns into three and then you end up doing terribly, keep swimming one day at a time and finally, to look back and laugh at this year, because it was beautiful and crazy and hilarious and tragic all the same.


{The Young Southern Prep}

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