Feb 1, 2013

Friday Five

Rabbit, Rabbit!

1. Lululemon. I've sold my soul to the Lulu devil, but at least I'll look good, right?

A pair of black wunder under crops are mine, all mine, and they made spin class last night oh so fab.


In case you needed a peptalk to make it through the day, here ya go.

3. My phrase of the week is "you have cat to be kitten me right meow". Yes, it's funny and yes, I still wonder why I'm single.

4. J. Crew, Lilly, and VV catalogs arrived this week. Can spring hurry up already?

5. THIS actually is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever.



  1. Love Kid president!
    And hey, I'm wondering why you're single too. That joke is hilarious.

  2. I love LuLu but I can't bring myself to spend the money. Are they really that fabulous? I'm scared of Spin Class though I've been thinking about trying it. :)


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