Jan 9, 2013

The 6 Week Sprint

I once read somewhere that you can't sprint for six months, but you can sprint for six weeks, so challenge yourself to accomplish six big things in six weeks. I have about six weeks until I visit Alabama again/Spring Break, so I thought it would be fun to make some mini goals on top of my resolutions!

1. No soda! I know that my resolution was to give Diet Coke up, but I want to see if I can not have any soda at all, because one it's bad for you and two it makes my skin break out!

2. Try a spin class and a new yoga class. This was on my goal list for december and it never got done!

3. Psychology. Enough said.

4. Do really really well on my SAT. (This means actually opening the book and studying.)

5. Play dress up once a week and look fancy, just because it's senior year.

6. Buy myself something nice. I'm worth it. 




  1. I totally have that problem with soda making me break out too! Super frustrating!

    I just might have to swear off soda for the next six weeks too! :)

    Briana C.

  2. Will this be the first time you take the SAT? I was just wondering since I know you accepted to Alabama and so many schools no longer require the SAT scores!


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