Nov 19, 2012


So Friday may or may not have been the longest day of my life. But at 4:20, I logged into my status check for UGA, and clicked the "view now". Not really knowing what to expect, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at the screen. 

I got deferred. 

It doesn't mean I got denied, but it also certainly means I wasn't accepted. My application needs a little more time to develop. So now I get to write some fun essays, talk about myself, and hopefully be admitted in the coming months. While I would have loved to have been admitted for early action, it's not the end of the world. I'm not a perfect student, but I know I will leave high school with few regrets, and if that causes UGA to not accept me in the long run, so be it. God has a plan for me, and I'm just along for the ride.

Besides, at the same time a year ago, I was getting accepted into Mission Training for Operation Smile. Would I have rather gotten into UGA this year, or not gone to India last year?

You bet I'd take India a million times over.


{The Young Southern Prep}


  1. You have a great outlook on this! As a college senior, applying to college seems so long ago, but I certainly remember the day when I found out that I didn't get into 2 schools that I applied too. I was already accepted into 2 others at the time. And while one of those schools was my "dream" school, and I did tear up about it for a moment or two, I realized that that wasn't where I was meant to be. I love the school that I picked to attend, it's a perfect fit for me and I feel like this is where I was meant to come all along!
    Like you said, God has a plan and everything will workout in his timing!!


  2. It will all work out sweetie - I promise!!! God absolutely has a plan and while difficult as it is senior year to deal with and all!

    This was me 4 years ago (which makes me feel realllly old). I fell in love with one school and was borderline to get in. I ended up applying early decision so it was binding if I was accepted (I was basically guaranteed acceptance this way). I knew I was accepted by this time 4 years ago and it was nice to not be stressing about it. Well freshman year came and I didn't love it the way I thought I did - way too small, middle of nowhere, and just not for me. I ended up transferring and it was the best decision ever. I couldn't be happier!

    So my point being regardless of what happens it will work out one way or another. I know you are accepted at one school so in reality the worst is over because you have an option. Enjoy senior year because it flies by!!! Have a great Thanksgiving!!! Not that I'm much help, but let me know if you ever have questions!!

  3. I agree with everyone's comments. I think you have the perfect outlook one the situation right now. I was not acepted into my "dream" school when I was a Senior in HS and I ended up attending a school I thought was ok but ended up being someplace I fell in love with the moment I started classes. I am blessed to have graduated from UNC and now work there. God has a mysterious plan for us all and we don't get to see the whole picture all the time. Good luck with the rest of your applications.


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