Sep 1, 2012

Rabbit Rabbit, and the best day of the year...

Alabama Football Is BACK!

It's my favorite day of the year, behind my Birthday, Christmas, and tied for Opening Day of Camp! 

Today they'll play in Dallas, which I'm so sad I can't be there for, but I can't wait to watch them beat Michigan, and yell Roll Tide for the first time as an accepted student. 

Yes, you read that right...

ROLL TIDE y'all!


{The Young Southern Prep}


  1. Congrats on getting into Alabama! I'm rooting for Michigan, but that's my big ten bias! :)

  2. ROLL TIDE!!! Good for you, girl, congrats!

  3. Congratulations! I remember getting my acceptance letter to Florida, best day! Hope you have a fantastic senior year. Enjoy it, and get excited for the awesome things to come in college!!


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